Quote of The Month

“If dancing were any easier it would be called football.”


Alright, this is kind of going to be a regular thing on the blog, so get used to it. :P This could have anything from videos to pictures to articles, so check it out. :)

Space-Age Wannabe Weirdness
Dear Gwen,
This outfit is disgusting. Please don’t wear it or anything like it ever again. Okay?

Ms Stefani desperately needs better fashion judgment.

Granny-Gone Electric-Gone Wrong: What Was She Thinking?
 Nicki Minaj stepped out in an outfit best described as EEWWWW


Psycho Clown Fail: What Was She Thinking?

Oh, Snooki. An ad for this outfit would be like: "These socks say it all! You can have this psycho-clown look too! Just call 1-800-UGLY!!!"

Love the outfit, Snookers!

Lady Gaga vs. Jo Calderone: What was she thinking?

    Lady Gaga showed up at the VMA's dressed as her imaginary boyfriend Jo Calderone, saying that she couldn't be her tonight, and claiming she was Jo. What do you think?

Lady Gaga, a.k.a Jo Calderone